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Friday, October 26, 2007

small business financial services Information-

small business financial services Discussion

Find Out the Benefits of Financial Planning Software

Financial planning software is a business intelligence tool that helps track business financial status. The benefits of financial planning software are very extensive as well as appealing. It has various valuable functions such as reporting, analysis, balancing, reconciling, tracking and others that can be used for any business organization.

Financial planning software is an excellent choice for business intelligence standardizations. As you read along, you will discover the effectiveness of financial planning software as a useful business intelligence tool. Let’s go over these benefits and find out how it can contribute to your personal financial planning.

Accurate Account Balances
With the use of financial planning software, you can be assured of an accurate account balance. It helps you prevent mathematical errors and provides information on the existing balance in every account.

Easy Reconciliation
Reconciliation of your personal financial accounts can be done easier and quicker with the use of financial planning software. This software also allows you to check your transactions and review your statements.

Detailed Budgeting
Through financial planning software, budgets are easy to set up since most of the designed programs in the software have a wizard that will automatically guide you in the process of creating or setting up budgets. This software also creates budget tracking reports that make up the budget categories of income and expenses. It replaces the tedious ways of tracking a budget manually.

Tax Tracking
Tax categories are parts of financial planning software packages. These categories are usually customized in the software. With the use of financial planning software, tax-related transactions are easily generated, which can be a real time-saver for every year-end tax report or any tax with holding adjustments.

Simple Downloads
In most financial planning software packages, all data entries can be downloaded and imported from any electronic source into financial software accounts. This is one feature of the software that makes it very convenient for the users.

Pay Bills Online
Financial planning software allows you to pay your bills online where you can automatically enter your required transaction in any account in the software.

Schedule Transactions
This is one feature of financial planning software that allows automatic transactions of any direct deposits and payments that are setup for automatic entries to the finance software registers.

Track & Analyze Investments
With this feature of financial planning software, investment transactions and account values are updated online. However, the online updates such as current price of securities, mutual funds, and other information in the software are done over the Internet. Tracking your investment accounts in the software can be done through graphs and reports.

Determine Net Worth
In most financial planning software, net worth is viewed in a written graph or report. So keep track of your current assets and liabilities, so you can get accurate results of your net worth anytime.


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Having a Minimum Income to File Taxes

When it comes to filing income taxes, not many people know that you must have a minimum income to file taxes. However, the government made it so that a person, whether they are single or married, must have a minimum income to file taxes.

Most often when people are working, they don't think of filing taxes. However, the government had even changed that. In fact, when it comes to making an income there is no way around paying taxes. Although, one good thing is that if you make such a small amount of money, you don't have to bother with filing the taxes. However, most people do file the taxes because there is always the possibility of getting a refund.

When it actually comes down to the minimum income to file taxes; the amount varies from state to state. However, the amounts are usually around the same ball park! Also, the minimum income to file taxes may change from year to year as well. The minimum income to file taxes in any given year is usually based on how much a person makes; under a certain filing status. When it comes down to the filing status, there are five different statuses; which are single, married filing jointly, married filing separately, head of household, and widow or widower with a qualifying child. Depending upon your ages or disabilities, the requirements may also be a little more lenient.

The IRS also uses certain standards to determine to amount of taxes a person pays so that they don't get bumped up to the next higher tax bracket. In the current year, if you were to file taxes, the minimum income to file taxes would be as follows:
• Single- if you are under 65 your income should be at least $8,450; if over 65 your income should be at least $9,400
• Married filing jointly- if you both are under 65 the income should be at least $16,900; both over 65 income should be at least $18,900; if one is over 65 and the other not then that one income should be at least $17,900.
• Married filing separately- no matter what the age, if filing separately, you must each file a return if each income is at least $3,300.
• Head of Household- if under 65 then income should be at least $10,850; if over 65 then income should be at least $12,100.
• Qualifying widow/widower with a child- must have an income of at least $13,600 if under 65; if over 65 the income should be at least $14,600.

No matter what happens, the reasons why you are filing; you must make sure that you know what you grossed. If you do not file when you made enough money, which could get you into real problems with the IRS!

Are MN Income Taxes Really That Bad?

Many times when you hear people talking about income taxes, those that live around Minnesota say that the MN income taxes are high. Are the MN income taxes really that high to any other state?

Many times when people hear of other states income taxes, they right away assume that the income taxes are high or low without knowing all the facts. However, each state has a set amount of income taxes that must be paid; which is also similar to any other state.

When it comes to MN income taxes, they are considered as being not bad; fairly reasonable. However, there are many things that people should know about the taxes before they say good or bad things about them, or file them. The very first thing that should be known about the MN income taxes is the due date. Like most other states, MN income taxes are due on April 15th; or the following business day if the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday.

Another thing that many people should learn about the MN income taxes is the percentages of taxes that are being taken out. Not only is there a percentage, but the percentage is based upon your filing status or bracket. In fact, in the state of Minnesota, they have 3 different income tax rates that they follow; which are 5.35%, 7.05%, and 7.85%. Amongst the percentages allowed, a person is allowed to make a certain amount of income in those brackets. Those that are in the single taxpayer bracket are as followed:
• 5.35% for income up to $21,510
• 7.05% for income between $21,511-$67,360
• 7.85% for income $67,361 and above
For those that are in the married filing jointly bracket, are as followed:
• 5.35% for income up to $29,980
• 7.05% for income between $29,981-$119,100
• 7.85% for income $119,101 and above

Another important factor to know when filing MN income taxes is which form(s) you will need. The forms needed vary upon what you are filing. However, most people will be using the M1 form. There are also different ways of filing income taxes other than filling out the form from the booklet. In fact, many people today are now filing their income taxes through the computer over the internet.

When you file through the internet, it is almost a guarantee that the taxes get to the government with no problems! In fact, e-filing is one of the most popular ways of filing taxes!!


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NFIB backs Mitchell on capital gains, estate taxes - Bizjournals.com

Thu, 18 Oct 2007 19:29:33 GMT

NFIB backs Mitchell on capital gains, estate taxes
Bizjournals.com, NC - Oct 18, 2007
NFIB has been a strong backer of repealing federal estate taxes saying they hurt small business. Opponents of an outright repeal contend estate taxes ...
