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Monday, October 08, 2007

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Products From American General Financial Services

American General Financial Services provides a wide number of loans, credit products and retail financial options to people across the United States in 45 states as well as the Virgin Island and Puerto Rico. The American General Financial Services has been in business since 1920 and opened its first office in Evansville, Indiana. The five major products and services provided by American General Financial Services include:

• Consumer Lending - American General Financial Services provides both secured and unsecured loans for consumers. There is a convenient online application that will allow you to know exactly how much you can qualify for in just a few minutes. The benefit of a consumer lending loan from American General Financial Services is that they will work with you on a reasonable and flexible return payment plan that will meet your budget restrictions.

• Mortgages – these can be first or second mortgages and can be on a variety of different types of properties and real estate investments. American General Financial Services also offers a partial or full mortgage purchase which will allow the home owner immediate access to cash that would have been owed through a first or second mortgage. There may be additional tax benefits in this option, especially if the home purchaser has a good mortgage rate.

• Home equity lines of credit – this allows home owners to obtain credit based on the amount of "equity" they have built up in their house. This is determined by having the house appraised, then comparing that to the amount that is still owed on the property. The difference in these numbers then can be used as a secured home equity loan. There is usually a lower interest rate on home equity lines of credit simply because the already paid for part of the property is considered a very secure collateral for the loan. There may also be additional tax benefits to a home equity line of credit, plus there is unlimited or unrestricted access to the amount in the line of credit for the borrower.

• Retail sales financing – many retail stores, including automobile dealers, work through American General Financial Services to offer financing to their customers. This helps the customers pay for items over time, plus also helps the retail boost sales and customer satisfaction. Approval is quick, simple and easy as the retail stores can apply for the customer financing through a simple online site that is secure. Customers will know if they qualify for financing within a very short period of time.

• Corporate development – corporate development includes helping corporations understand the risk in investments and development and generate sound financial solutions that will maximize growth and returns.

Buying A Home With American Financial Services

Based in California, American Financial Services specializes in helping home buyers find a home that is affordable and within their price range for monthly payments. They also offer commercial loans for businesses, home equity loans, and refinance options for home owners. Since the company is based in California and services the California market they are able to stay up to date with all real estate and financial laws and regulations that apply to new home purchases, refinancing and home equity loans within the state.

American Financial Services offers an easy to use online loan application form for prospective home owners. This allows new or existing home owners to find out what amount they can be pre-approved for in a loan and what price range of home is reasonable given their financial makeup at the time. There is no cost for this loan application through American Financial Services and information provided by the applicant is secure and safe. Typically after applying for a loan a representative from American Financial Services will call and speak directly to you within one to two business days, clarifying any questions they may have and then providing the information on the new home loan.

The website of American Financial Services offers a very thorough description of the difference between fixed rate home loans and adjustable rate loans. The site points out the potential drawbacks to each type of loan as well as the benefits and reasons to choose or not choose the particular type of loan. Further information can also be provided by an in person consultation with an American Financial Services loans officer. There is no charge for this consultation and the service can help clarify any other questions that the home buyer may have.

For those home owners that are requiring a bit of extra cash for home improvements, to purchase another home as an investment or just to take a vacation, a home equity loan from American Financial Services may be just the answer. Home equity loans use the equity or value that you have built up in your home as a secured loan, ensuring that you get a lower interest rate and more flexibility in the loan than you would through many other financial institutes. As with the home buying loan a simple, online application is all that you need to get started.

Refinancing for current home owners is also offered through American Financial Services. Refinancing can be used to reduce interest rates based on market conditions or to help to reduce a monthly mortgage payment after you have paid a preset time on your existing mortgage.

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Using Accounting for Income Taxes on Your Taxes!

When a person owns a company of their own, most times they will have their own accounting personnel do the income taxes for the company.

Most often when people use accounting for income taxes, it is a way for them to be sure that their taxes are being done securely as well as done properly. In fact, most of the times that people use accounting for income taxes, it's also a way for them to learn how to do their taxes properly.

Usually when people start working on their income taxes they are quite sure on how to do their own income taxes. However, it is really an easy thing to learn; if you want to learn it! Whenever people want to learn to do their taxes, properly, they will usually use an "accounting for income taxes" book or go through some sort of accounting for income taxes class or seminar. In fact, if you go to any college or technical school you will see that they have many different kinds of accounting classes that you can study or register in.

Most of the times when people use a book or class for help with doing their income taxes, they realize that go to the accounting for income taxes class is much better than using a book. It has been said that going to the class is more beneficial because if you have any questions, you can ask the professor where as with a book you have no one to answer your questions! In many cases, however, if people are stumped enough they will quit doing their taxes all together and take them to a professional!

One of the perks of taking your taxes to a professional is, if you are ever audited, they will be there to back you up! It is there way of saying that they believe that did everything correct! Another great thing about professional taxing companies is that their employees have gone through different courses, such as Accounting for Income Taxes or even a regular Accounting class. No matter what class or course they take, they will still need to have a degree to do your taxes!

Whether you are do your taxes yourself or you are taking them to a professional, it definitely would not hurt for you to take an accounting or accounting for income taxes course. It would most definitely help you to do your own takes, and in the end it will help you save money (by not having to take your taxes to a professional)!!

small business financial services - News Source

Mitchell session to examine tax-cut extensions - East Valley Tribune

Mon, 08 Oct 2007 07:01:16 GMT

Mitchell session to examine tax-cut extensions
East Valley Tribune, AZ - 9 hours ago
Unless Congress acts, the estate tax exemption, presently set at $2 million, will shrink to $1 million in 2011. “Raising capital gains taxes discourages ...
Scottsdale chamber, Mitchell talk tax cuts Bizjournals.com
all 10 news articles

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